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小学英语故事-Coyote and the Mice

来源:学大教育     时间:2015-03-27 21:06:05

英语也是重要的一门学科,说到关于英语的学习,我们都知道仅仅靠课堂是不够的,课下的学习和总结也很重要,在课下我们也要多多的学习和练习,这样才能更好的帮助我们学好英语,这篇小学英语故事-Coyote and the Mice分享给大家,希望大家能够认真的的学习,领悟。

Summary:victors. The Mice thought that the cause of their frequentdefeats was that they had no leaders set apart from the generalarmy to command them, and that they were exposed to dangers fromlack of discivictors. The Mice thought that the cause of their frequentdefeats was that they had no leaders set apart from the generalarmy to command them, and that they were exposed to dangers fromlack of discipline. They therefore chose as leaders Mice thatwere most renowned for their family descent, strength, andcounsel, as well as those most noted for their courage in thefight, so that they might be better marshaled in battle array andformed into troops, regiments, and battalions. When all this wasdone, and the army disciplined, and the herald Mouse had dulyproclaimed war by challenging the Weasels, the newly chosengenerals bound their heads with straws, that they might be moreconspicuous to all their troops. Scarcely had the battle begun,when a great rout overwhelmed the Mice, who scampered off as fastas they could to their holes. The generals, not being able toget in on account of the ornaments on their heads, were allcaptured and eaten by the Weasels.

这篇小学英语故事-Coyote and the Mice大家已经学习过了,相信你们都有了很大的认识的了解,那么就好好的学习吧,相信只要大家努力,就一定会取得好的成绩!

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